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Admission requirements
The Summer School on Quality and Organizational Excellence is an advanced program in the Quality field.  Applications are open to individuals who have a background or interest in the Quality field and/or Lean and/or Six Sigma, namely:
 - Quality professionals;
 - Master students;
 - PhD students;
 - Post-doc researchers.
As English is the official language of the Summer School, it is important that participants are fluent in English.

Applications to the Summer School on Quality and Organizational Excellence 2019 are open until May 15, 2019. Your application will be reviewed and acceptance notices will be sent by e-mail no later than May 20, 2019. Participation in the Summer School is dependent on full payment of the fee by Bank Transfer on/or before May 31, 2019.


Summer School Fee: 850€
Payment can be made by bank transfer after acceptance.
Registration fee payment deadline: May 31, 2019.

The fee includes: attendance at all classes, the Lean Six Sigma Workshop, industrial visits, study materials, lunches, coffee-breaks and the social program. Accommodation is not included in the Summer School Fee, but places are available at the University Residence Hall (on campus), for an extra cost of 95€ for the entire week. Accommodation outside campus must be organized by each individual.

 A 15% discount applies to:
- APQ Members;
- ABEPRO Members;
- ESTIEM Members;
- ASQ Student Members (worldwide);
- ASQ Members;
- Alumni EGIUM Members.

A 15% discount applies to the 2nd registration from within the same company.
A 25% discount applies to the 3rd registration onwards, from within the same organization.

5 special positions are available for students of Portuguese Universities:
- University of Minho: 200€
- Other universities: 300€

Cancellation policy
The Summer School Organizing Committee should be notified by e-mail if you wish to cancel your participation.
Cancellations made by May 31, 2019: refund of 50% of the registration fee
Cancellations made after May 31, 2019: no refund

Important Dates:
Application deadline: June 16, 2019
Acceptance notification: June 18, 2019
Registration fee payment deadline: June 22, 2019
Summer School: July 15-20, 2019



© QOE, 2019